Sunday, October 23, 2011
Girls' Generation - The Boys
A Beautiful music video for girls' generation.
All look pretty as well. Loves ;)
By jen.
Girl's Generation
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl
who gives a shit
behind this wall
You've just walked through it
And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss
All those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go)
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
蔡依林 - 一个人
Monday, October 17, 2011
前几天看了1911,还不错的电影。革命至今已经100周年啦~ 我想要不是革命成功的话,今天的中国说不定还是有皇帝的存在吧? 如果对中国历史很有兴趣的话一定要看看。虽然只不过是很小一部分的历史而已,但看完这部电影后真的了解了不少关于《革命》的故事。
by Jen ;)
那些年, 我们一起追的女孩
“那些年”终于要在Golden Screen Cinema (GSC) 上映啦。
"一辈子虽然漫长,但过去了也就是弹指一挥。你会不断的遇见一些人,也会不停的和一些人说再见,从陌生到熟悉,从熟悉再回陌生,从臭味相投到分道扬镳,从相 见恨晚到不如不见……不是每个人都会是你的伙伴,也不是每个朋友都能肝胆相见,无烦或恼,缘到,报之以大笑,缘散,报之以不厌。"
晚安 ;)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
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